Why do I travel?
Thousands of people knew who I was before I did. You see, I grew up as a local celebrity sick kid. At the young age of two, I was diagnosed with Leukemia, and spent the next 5 years of my life receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatment. I know I’m lucky to be here today, and that’s why I live and travel with intentionality.
I am determined to see the whole world, or at least a taste of everything the world has to offer, in my lifetime. Having overcome adversity as a child, I know that each day, each moment, and each experience is a gift. It’s when I travel that I feel most at home, am in the best mindset, and when I feel healthiest.
I got a bit of a late start with international travel – not really making it a habit until age 19. Since then I’ve ventured outside the US on average about 2x per year – racking up 63 countries so far. I am not the type to relax on a beach for a week (except for a very special family trip). I prefer to be in motion! I find that I form the strongest connections with my surroundings through conversations with strangers, eating savory food, and framing my view through a camera lens.
What I’ve learned is that I am a particular type of traveler. I’m frequently disappointed in what the travel industry THINKS I need to do on my next trip. Rarely—dare I say never—do I see something that seems like a perfect fit. So that’s the company I’m going to build, with your help. Let’s work together to build a world where travelers and experience providers are linked together with stunning accuracy. Where your best next experience is just a few clicks away, and where you’re checking off life goals on your bucket list with surprising frequency. Where you’re avoiding the noise and excesses of the travel industry the way it was, and helping to steer it toward what it should be.
Find yourself as you find your place.